About Me

Get to know me a little bit better.

Hello! My name is Michael Meli, the namesake of this website. My hope for this page is to give you an idea of who I am and what my interests are, whether that be academic or personal. More information of many of the things covered here can be found on the other pages of this website.

# Professional I've had the opportunity to have some great professional experiences, both while I was still in school and after I graduated. You can read more in depth about these on my Experience page. During the summer of 2014, while still in school, I interned at a small, local company called **Mi-Corporation**. Here, I worked as a software development intern, developing applications in multiple .NET languages and doing some web development and scripting in JavaScript. I was also relocated to London, England for a month to work as a consultant with Transport for London.
Mi-Corporation Logo
In the summers of 2015, 2016, and 2017, I worked as an intern at **Cisco** in their Security and Trust Organization, specifically on the Hardware and Firmware Security Team. The primary IP I worked on was the Cisco Secure Boot offering. In 2015, I developed a process to enable obfuscation/encryption of compiled code in FPGA block RAM. In 2016, I developed a process to enable the use of X.509 certificates to establish trust in public key storage. Finally, in 2017, I worked to design and develop a proof-of-concept for the next-generation evolution of Cisco Secure Boot rooted on firmware instead of hardware.
Cisco Logo
Starting in January 2017, I began interning part-time at **ChannelAdvisor** as a software engineer. I loved ChannelAdvisor so much that I converted to full-time after graduating with my Master's in July 2018. Here I work on the Marketplaces team, which is primarily focused on working on solutions for our Amazon sellers, who make up the largest percent of our customer base. I primarily do backend web development in C#, and often take up full-stack development in ASP.NET and JavaScript.
ChannelAdvisor Logo
What experiences lie ahead?
# Academics Throughout my academic career, I had a variety of unique experiences in the computing industry. I first completed my undergraduate education in May 2016 when I graduated from NC State with a **double B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering**. I graduated summa cum laude and valedictorian with a GPA of 4.0. After graduation, I immediately went back to NC State and pursued an **M.S. in Computer Science**, which I received in May 2018 with a 4.0 GPA, focusing on a **track in Security**.
NC State Logo
In the process of completing my undergraduate, I was the recipient of two distinguished scholarships. For my junior year, I received the Dewey Carr Ogburn Memorial Scholarship, awarded by the NC State ECE department to a single student each year. In my senior year, I received the Willian E. and Carol L. Highfill Scholarship in Engineering from the College of Engineering. I've also had an interesting career in academic research. In my senior year of my undergrad and first years of my Masters, I participated in a research project under Dr. Michael Devetsikiotis. This specific project was a **solution for indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy devices**. This project was published at the IEEE Infocom Workshop on Smart Cities in April 2017. The paper can be found [here](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316910790_A_Real-Subject_Evaluation_Trial_for_Location-Aware_Smart_Buildings), and more info can be found in my projects page. Finally, I am currently working on an **research project related to software security**, which is currently in the submission process for publication. Stay tuned!
#Personal Outside of school and work, I'm an avid hockey fan. I've been a season ticket holder for the Carolina Hurricanes for over a decade, and I have played hockey competitively even longer. One of the great things about hockey is that it is an easy sport to continue playing into adulthood; I still play on a weekly basis in a local league. In recent years, I've also fallen in love with mountain biking. I primarily enjoy mountain biking, but have recently started getting into road biking.

I'm also a big tech enthusiast, although I doubt that is unique among people in this field. I may spend a little too much money keeping my custom-built desktop up to date and complementing it with the latest monitors and speakers...

Of course, I love programming in my free time as well. I frequently tinker with all the standard hobbyist devices, such as Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, etc. I try to put all of my projects on my GitHub page (see the Contact page), so check that out for some of my work. I also describe many of them in-depth in the Projects page.